So this is my first post on my first blog and I hope you all like it. My name is Natalya but most people call me Tal, I grew up in a small town in Utah called Manti but we just moved in August in our little Subaru over 2,000 miles away to a small town in Virginia called Buena Vista (which people here pronounce B-you-na Vista). I just celebrated my 3rd Anniversary with my amazing husband Corey and have an 18 month old son Oliver that is beyond the simple word "active" that keeps me on my toes. Oh and an orange striped cat named Rex. I am a stay at home mom with many adventures trying to entertain my son, finding time to cook, clean and spend time with my ever so busy husband.
For my blog I want to write about the whatevers of life. Planning parties and trips, cooking fun treats and meals, cleaning a house, teaching and playing with Oliver, learning new things and being a better person, but also the ups and downs of life. Life can be full of great days but then other days when you just want to stay home in Pajamas and watch TV. Days where you can take on the world and others when your bed wins. I want to be a SUPER mom and wife but like most of you out there I have weaknesses, I have my KRYPTONITES!
So this is me and this is my blog. Thank you for reading and feel free to comment. Have a Merry Christmas and New Years.
Yay Tal! Can't wait to read about your adventures!